Saturday, August 12, 2017

Chisana Utahime Character Information

Chisana Utahime is a female UTAU voiced by Rose Mayu. Her Voicebank is encoded in romaji.

Gender: Female

Age: N/L

Full Name: Chisana Utahime -  Sensai Rose

Likes: Diamond Water

Dislikes: Cheese

Chisana Is a UTAU with a satire nature. Although she is considered rude, she is also seen as sweet on certain occasions.

she is now confirmed to be sisters with May Aki.

Chisana Is nonprofit and free, made by a single girl.




As of now, chisana only has one voicebank.

Previews for chisana can be seen in links of other posts.

Unfortunately chisana has 'disease' causing her voicebank to bug at some parts.

(you know what i mean, its easy to fix though)